We had a very good Christmas in Arkansas. Morgan got to see her cousin, Adalyn 6 1/2 mo. (at the time) for the first time. Adayln kept trying to hold Morgan. They were so cute together. It was nice to relax for a few days and enjoy visiting with family. Morgan did really good on her first long car trip (6 hours). On the way down, we only had to stop in Owasso to feed her and us and fill up the tank and then we didn't have to stop the rest of the way. On the way back home we stopped in Conway, AR and fed her and shopped at Target and then we stopped in Tulsa before coming home to shop somemore. We were shopping for an armoire for our TV. We just had our TV out on an end table with all the cords out and we thought that eventually we should get something better and safer for when Morgan starts crawling and putting things in her mouth. We found a great deal at Mathis Brothers. We picked it up this last Friday when my sister and her fiance came to visit. I will put pictures of that visit on another post. Which you have probably already read because it is going to come before this post. Anyway...enjoy the pictures!

Don't they look cute.

My sister got this top which is actually a bib, but it doesn't really look like one. It was extremely cute on her. It's too bad it is a seasonal one, otherwise I would use it more often. The red part at the top is kind of plastic.
Morgan laying her in grandpa's lap. It looks like he is giving her a masage. She is actually really asleep.
Adayln, Morgan and Nana.
Adalyn and Morgan are holding hands but we
put their hands together.
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