Well, can you believe it? I can hardly believe it! I start my 3rd trimester today, which means - exactly 3 months until the due date, that is, if she comes on her due date. It has flown by so fast. I guess summer activities make it fly by. Everything has been good so far. She is moving like crazy though. We tried getting a little video clip of her from our camera, but it was hard to see. Maybe soon we can capture something really good so you can see her move, because she does move a lot. Clint thinks she is going to be a soccer player. We will just have to see! We still don't have her name picked out yet but I think we are getting closer to having one!
Her room is coming together now. We just received her bedding set last week and used that to match paint colors. We are going to paint the bottom half of the wall a sage green color and have wallpaper border above that and then above the wallpaper border leave it the khaki color it already is. When it is done we will post pictures. It probably won't be done for a few weeks though because we still have to order the wallpaper border. We also bought her rug and a lamp. She will get one more lamp but we haven't bought that yet. Her room doesn't have any windows so we were wanting 2 lamps, in case you were wondering why we needed another lamp. Soon we are going to move the pew bench in her room and move the futon out of her room. I can't wait to get it all finished. Right now her room is my favorite place to go even though it is pretty empty. Maybe her room will be done or at least close to done by the beginning of September. Maybe wishful thinking, but there is nothing wrong with that!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
VBS Pictures
Well we helped with the VBS for the Nowata, OK congregation last weekend. The decorations turned out really well. The kids seemed to enjoy them!
This is supposed to be the Pacific Ocean!
These next 2 pictures are supposed to be the South Pole.
This is supposed to be the Pacific Ocean!
You guessed it - a treasure chest!
These next 2 pictures are supposed to be the South Pole.
As you can see he is carrying her around!
Now we just have to wait another week or so and do this again, but we add one more scene to our VBS - Mount Everest! This Saturday we are going to pass out 500 fliers around neighborhoods! Hopefully we will have a good turnout!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Still Working on VBS
Well, I am still working on VBS stuff! Our church is helping a church about 30 min. with their VBS. Clint and I are incharge of decorating and man, have we really been working on it hard. Most of the items are things we didn't have to make they were things people already have, like, rope, pails, tents, book bags, things like that. But there are some things we are having to make and it is starting to wear us out. Good thing VBS is Friday, because that will mean everything will be done. Our VBS is August 3 -7 so we will have a week or so to rest up before hitting it again! It has been fun getting ready though. I look forward to helping where I can. I will try to take pictures so you can see how it looked once put all together. Please pray for these VBS's. Hope everyone has a good rest of their week!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
It's A Girl!!!
This is our baby girl! No we don't have a definite name picked out but there are 2 in the running. We will let you know what it will be when we know ourselves! She weighs 1 lb. 12oz. and her due date is still right on - October 25th. Please continue to pray for our baby girl and her health and that God prepares us to be the parents He wants us to be! (If you click on the pictures it will zoom in for you.)

Monday, July 7, 2008
Dresser/Changing Table
We got our dresser/changing table last week. I thought we were never going to find one we like but we did. We found it at an antique store in Benton, Arkansas. Clint's parents still have to bring it to our house though, so we don't have it yet but we will soon!
Oh, and by the way, we find out tomorrow if we are having a boy or a girl, that is, if our baby will let us see! Our appointment is at 3:00! I can't wait!
Our First Niece
Baby Shower!
We had our first baby shower June 22nd in Sheridan, Arkansas. Some ladies from the church Clint's parents attend hosted the shower. Clint was unable to be there because he had to preach and also go to camp which started that afternoon. The shower was for me and Jenn Howard, my sister-in-law. She was due Aug. 1st but had her baby, Adalyn, June 3rd! Clint and I and our baby have been so blessed by this shower!
Taylor, Jenn and me (Taylor is Clint's brother and Jenn's husband)

Taylor, Jenn and me (Taylor is Clint's brother and Jenn's husband)
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