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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Still Working on VBS

Well, I am still working on VBS stuff! Our church is helping a church about 30 min. with their VBS. Clint and I are incharge of decorating and man, have we really been working on it hard. Most of the items are things we didn't have to make they were things people already have, like, rope, pails, tents, book bags, things like that. But there are some things we are having to make and it is starting to wear us out. Good thing VBS is Friday, because that will mean everything will be done. Our VBS is August 3 -7 so we will have a week or so to rest up before hitting it again! It has been fun getting ready though. I look forward to helping where I can. I will try to take pictures so you can see how it looked once put all together. Please pray for these VBS's. Hope everyone has a good rest of their week!

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