This is almost finished. All that we have left to do is, get trim and stain it, get the shelving for my stamp pads (it will go in the area where you see the sunflower), get the peg board for my paper (that will be to the left of the stamp pads) and get hard board for my other paper trays and that will go all the way to the right where it is empty. I am also going to make a cover for the bottom 3 shelves. We will update a new picture when it is all finished. I am hoping it will be finished by the end of this month. We still need to buy the trim, hard board and fabric. This shelf has really added some room to the craft room and made it look a lot nicer. Things that I hadn't really measured but had a place for, fit exactly in the space. I couldn't believe how perfect it turned out.

More pictures of our sweet Morgan!

We found some shoes that fit Morgan. They are newborn and she is almost 4 months. I don't know if we will ever get to a size one.

Friday night we were supposed to go to a Sweetheart Banquet in Joplin. But Morgan was spitting up a lot so we decided since it was so far away to stay home. We were already dressed for it when we made the decision. I wanted an updated picture of Morgan and me. So Clint took some but couldn't get Morgan to smile at all. This was a good picture though for now. We are having our picture taken next week for the directory so maybe we can get some good ones.
Ok - so she definitely looks like Clint. There aboslutely no denying that. But I was just telling Diane that something about her reminds me of you. But it's like I just can't put my finger on it. I'm thinking it's the eyes but maybe not the way they look but the way she looks out of them. I don't know. I told you it's weird. Anyway, just thought I'd put in my 2 sense. BTW - I felt "Jerry David" move for the first time this weekend! I squealed!
She is so cute! Don't feel bad about how small her feet are. Mabry is only wearing a size 2 shoe (and sometimes that is even too big) and she is a year and a half old.
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